• An hour – ժամ, час, hora
  • Half – կես, половина, (y) media
  • Quarter – քառորդ, четверть, cuarto

When we want to know the time, we ask: “What time is it?

– What time is it?
– It is 9:00 o’clock.

☝️ We say “o’clock” when it is “00” after the hour: 01:00, 07:00, 22:00 and so on. We don’t say “10:15 o’clock”.

When we talk about very late night and morning hours, we say or write “a.m”.

9:00 a.m. = 9:00 o’clock in the morning

– What time is it?
– It is 9:00 a.m.

When we talk about afternoon and evening hours, we say or write “p.m.”

9:00 p.m. = 9:00 o’clock at night

– What time is it?
– It is 9:00 p.m.

Parts of the Day

☝️ At night, at noon
☝️ In the morning / afternoon / evening
noon = midday = 12:00 p.m.
midnight = 12:00 a.m. or 00:00

Parts of the Hour

1 hour is 60 minutes.

When the time is 2:30 or 14:30, we can say “half past two”. 11:30 or 23:30 = half past eleven. 9:30 or 21:30 = half past nine. 30 is half of 60.

Half past = 30 minutes after

☝️ 12:30 = half past noon
00:30 half past midnight

When it is 13:15 or 01:15, we can say “quarter past one”. 11:15 or 23:15 = quarter past eleven. 12:15 = quarter past noon. 15 is the quarter of 60.

Quarter past = 15 minutes after

Here is a good photo from SplashLearn:

Source: https://www.splashlearn.com/math-vocabulary/time/quarter-past

Quarter to = 15 minutes before

When it is 13:45 or 01:45, we can say “quarter to two”. 11:45 = quarter to noon. 21:45 = quarter to ten. 15 is the quarter of 60.

Here is another good image from SplashLearn:

Here is the link to the lesson on their website: https://www.splashlearn.com/math-vocabulary/time/quarter-past

Exercise 1. Match the times.

Exercise 2. 👂Listen to the sentences and drag & drop the right (ճիշտ, правильный, correcto) answers.

Exercise 3. ✍️ Write a short essay, answer these questions


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