23. πŸ”― 6W Star

1. Who πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€

– Who is this?

– This is Cher.

– Who are you?

– I’m John, your new teacher.

– Who is Charles Aznavour?

– Aznavour is a singer.

2. What ❓

– What is that?

– That is a ball πŸ€.

– What animal is this?

– This is an elephant 🐘.

– What does “excellent” mean?

– “Excellent” means very good.

3. Where πŸ—ΊοΈ

– Where is your brother?

– He is upstairs, on the second floor.

– Where is Los Angeles?

– It is in the United States of America.

– Where can we meet?

– We can meet at the library.

4. When πŸ•œ

– When does the plane (airplane ✈️) land (come)?

– At 7:00 p.m.

– When do you want to meet?

– On Sunday at 20:00 (8:00 p m.).

– When was George Washington born?

– George Washington was born on February 22, 1732.

5. Why 🀷

– Why do you want to eat?

– Because I’m hungry.

– Why do you want to meet?

– Because we need to talk.

– Why do you learn English?

– To work in an international organization.

6. How πŸ€”

– How are you?

– I am great. And you?

– How can I get to Santa Monica Boulevard?

– Turn left and go straight ahead.

– How can I learn French?

– You need to ask that question to a professional teacher.

Exercise 1: put the words in the right spaces.

Exercise 2: write the correct words.


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